On-Site Miniature Painting | Artistic Drawing Contest | Miniatures Contest


On-Site Miniature Painting


1. There is no additional fee to participate in the On-Site Miniature Painting Contest beyond the purchase of a Full Weekend or Saturday Pass.

2. Miniature figurines, paints, brushes, and other painting necessities will be provided.

3. Participants may begin at any time, but only have two hours to complete their miniature, or until 11 p.m. on Friday, or 10 p.m. on Saturday, to be eligible for the prize awards.

4. Entries should be submitted at the Contest and Auction Registration Desk and must be complete by 10 p.m. Saturday. Judging will occur after 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, and Ballroom A will be temporarily closed during this time. Winning entries will be on display when the doors open on Sunday.

5. Participants may keep their painted miniature. Entries may be picked up after 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.


Artistic Drawing Contest


1. There is no additional fee for items entered into the Artistic Drawing Contest beyond the purchase of a Full Weekend or Saturday Pass. That person may make 3 total entries of 2-dimensional, black and white art.

2. As all pieces are on public display, some pieces of art may be restricted, due to graphic content. Normal standards of good taste apply. The Egyptian Campaign Staff reserves the right to refuse any piece exceeding this standard.

3. The Egyptian Campaign judging staff will be judged computer generated art with a bias towards original freehand art.

4. Submit entries at the Contest and Auction Registration Desk by 8 p.m. Saturday.

5. Ballroom A will be temporarily closed for judging on Saturday night. Winning entries will be on display by 11 p.m. Saturday.

6. Entries may be picked up after 10 a.m. on Sunday. ID will be required to pick
up an entry.


Miniatures Contest


1. There is no additional fee for items entered into the Miniature Contest beyond the purchase of a Full Weekend or Saturday Pass.

2. Participants must place all of their miniatures in one of two Divisions, but not both. Each participant is considered either a Standard painter or a Master painter and must enter all of his figures into one Division. Rules for the Divisions are slightly different, as follows:

2a. Standard Division: Participants may make 10 total miniatures entries, only 2 entries per category, judged in the following five categories: Fantasy Character, Sci-fi Character/Power Armor, Units, Monsters, and Vehicle/Diorama. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded in each category, provided there are at least three entries in the category.
Judging criteria: general impression, color choices, painting skill, additional detail, and creativity.

2b. Masters Division: Participants may make 5 total miniatures entries, only 2 entries per category, judged in the following five categories: Fantasy Character, Sci-fi Character/Power Armor, Units, Monsters, and Vehicle/Diorama. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded provided there are at least three entries in the category.
Judging criteria: general impression, color choices, painting skill, additional detail, modeling ability, and creativity, with painting skill and creativity weighing most heavily.
If you choose to have your entries judged in the Master's Division, you will not be eligible to make entries in the Standard Division at future Egyptian Campaigns.

3. Participants may choose the Division that best reflects their painting skill, and may not change their selection once the figures are entered. The Egyptian Campaign staff will determine in what categories the entries belong.
4. Additional miniatures may be entered for $1 each in the Standard Division only; no additional entries can be made in the Masters Division.

5. One outstanding entry will be chosen and awarded Best of Show, entries from both Divisions will be considered.

6. Submit entries at the Contest and Auction Registration Desk by 8 p.m. Saturday. Judging will take place sometime Saturday night, at which point Ballroom A will be temporarily closed. Winning entries will be on display by 11:00 p.m. Saturday.

7. The decisions of the judges are final. The Egyptian Campaign uses experienced judges; however, the judgment of art is subjective and we cannot guarantee you will agree 100% with their decisions.

8. Entries may be picked up after 10 a.m. on Sunday and will require an ID.