Game Auction: Ballroom C during Slot 4

1. There is no additional fee for items entered into the Game Auction beyond the purchase of a Weekend or Saturday Pass.

2. Entries must be submitted at the Contest and Auction Registration Desk in Ballroom A, across from the Registration Desk before 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.

3. Magazines, figures, etc. should be entered as group lots when possible. Small, numerous, and non-gaming items (such as computer games) will be auctioned last. The Egyptian Campaign does not guarantee that all items will be auctioned. There will be no "over-flow" auction on Sunday.

4. All items should be appraised fairly by the person putting the item up for auction. The Egyptian Campaign Staff maintains the right to re-appraise anything entered into the auction.

5. You do not need to be present during the auction for tour items to be auctioned.

6. All items in the auction much be purchased with cash. The Egyptian Campaign cannot accept checks or credit cards for the auction sales as the money needs to be presented to the seller as soon as the auction is over. There are cash machines located in the Student Center for your convenience.

7. All unsold items or monies due from the Game Auction must be claimed by Saturday at 10:00 pm. The Egyptian Campaign will make an effort to contact the owners of unclaimed items, and those due money from the Game Auction that have not collected their stuff by 10:00 pm Saturday March 31, 2008.

8. The Egyptian Campaign and its staff will endeavor to prevent any loss of property or profits associated with the Game Auction; however, the Egyptian Campaign and its staff are not responsible for any loss of property or profits at any time before, during, or after the Game Auction.

9. All sales are FINAL.